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By Dr. Godfrey Enita

A bona fide Sapele Boy, born and bred. Through hard work, courage and an unquenchable yearning for knowledge and self development, he rose, from humble beginnings, venturing into politics and traversing its turbulent/ muddy waters to become- I believe- the most dynamic, versatile, visible and engaging State Chairman of our great Party.

Esiso' s emergence as state chairman is still a puzzle to many...indeed a nightmare to the wicked, but to all good hearted people, it is the Lord's doing and God' s blessings are irreversible. He brings to the position an uncommon leadership style, rooted in almost 30 years experience in political configuration, degrees in Political Science, Law and Business Administration, a disposition towards political egalitarianism and the fear of God.

As a redemptive change agent, Esiso' s leadership style is unique: no impositions; no deception; no undercutting. Rather, he advocates a change that is integrative, positive, progressive and popular as well as a dynamic fusion of the experience of the elderly, the graces of women folk and the radically inclined youths. His incredible passion for the job is strengthened by his character and personality and defined by a clear vision/ initiative, intelligence/ credibility, courage and a fighting spirit, LOYALTY and a humanitarian spirit.

It takes the eagle eyes of a more profound political gladiator ( H.E) to spot this kind. Deep reaches only to the deep.
For us in Sapele, Esiso is a messianic figure - a Don Quixote who comes to rescue the Party from the paralysing grip of tyranny and dictatorship, engendering a process which has given power back to the party through constituted leadership.

He also initiated the return of Chf Ufuoma Obule and others. Indeed, the strategist in him explores the immense capacity of Chief Obule to enhance the fortunes of the party by nudging him to extend his operational frontiers to Sapele rural, his ancestral base.

In less than 2 years, Esiso has impacted the political space by not only influencing developmental projects and appointments to Sapele,but also transforming lives of his constituents through humanitarian gestures. Although, hounded out to seek a platform elsewhere to reach his manifest destiny, Esiso did not let bitterness to becloud his trueness to his political base and indeed his home... Sapele.

I propose this toast to a catalyst of redemptive change,  Oruese 1, Olorogun Barr. Kingsley Esiso. May God preserve you in health, in prosperity and grant you the very utmost desire of your heart in the year ahead. CHEERS!

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