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describes the Party a Party as one without Bearing

Hon Asiuwhu PDP Chairman Patani Local Government Area has blasted the All Progressive Congress as a Party without Focus, Plans and Ideas to Better Nigeria, Hon Asiuwhu noted that the Current situation being Faced in our Country today is as a Result of the Wrong Economic Policies which the All Progressive Congress has carried out, he further Pointed out that before Buhari's Administration the Socio-economic development of Nigeria was In a Rapid Increase thereby making Other Countries to be Envious of Nigeria but today, the Reverse is the Case.

APC is now a Party that Covers Sin of Politicians that are Found Wanting by the Efcc, APC lacks the Will Power to drive Nigeria Forward, as we have Seen the way they Rule is not a Democratic manner but an Autocratic Model of Leadership.

How can a Nation with Over 190million People allow a Man who does not have Respect for the Principle to Rules of Law to Lead her, where will he lead us to if not Heading towards Doom He Pointed.

We Must Rise and say no to this Culpable act of Governance by the APC and As a Matter of urgency Get Our Permanent Voters Card ready to remove the Bunch of Rulers that Lacks what it takes to Lead a Nation Like Ours in this 21st Century.

There is no Adjective to describe this Present Administration other than say it's a Government that Looted Nigeria.

Never Again shall we allow the APC to Be at the Helm of Affairs of our Nation Hon Asiuwhu Enthused.

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