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By Fred Oghenesivbe Esq.

Its absolutely senseless to compare light with darkness. Light represents sanity, progress, greatness and joy while darkness connotes danger, fear and the unknown.

Therefore, in electing leaders into public offices at general elections we must as people draw distinction between light and darkness, good and evil, sane and insane personalities, and so on and so forth.

Its also very necessary to take a critical look at the intentions of candidates and to also do some background checks to finally decide who to vote for and who not to vote for. This is what this piece seek to achieve.

I recall vividly that Chief Great Ogboru came to limelight as a result of his involvement in the famous ORKAR COUP, an offence which ordinarily should have sent him to the gallow as was the case with the biblical HAMMAN who legendary Queen Esther rusticated through divine intervention.

Ogboru's interest in Gideon Orkar's coup was to split the country into two or more components so that the North can go and suffer because they do not yet produce crude oil for export.

It was clear that Ogboru hated the North and needed to vent his anger through a means that would have caused another civil war and by extension the extinction of the country called NIGERIA.

Ogboru provided huge funds, according to evidence at the time and also made available some of his properties in Lagos State, as meeting and anchor points for the coup plotters. He was totally committed to the breakup of Nigeria, for personal selfish reasons.

If Ogboru had succeeded in the breakup of Nigeria, it would have been impossible for President Muhammadu Buhari, a core Fulani Northerner to be his Principal, Party Leader and Presidential candidate in 2019.

In 2015, Ogboru the desperate political contractor referred to President Buhari as unfit person to lead Nigeria, while at the same time supporting the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan of PDP.

Ogboru is a well known political contractor who in time past milked aspirants of the Democratic Peoples Party (DPP) and the Labour Party (LP). He loves Champaign and care free lifestyle. He is a seasonal politician who fizzles out after general elections o re-appear 12 months to another general election.

It was clear and obvious that Ogboru and some of his associates were neck deep in the Orkar coup and they ran away from Nigeria when the coup failed. Some senior military officers died in the process so that Ogboru can proudly call himself "The Peoples General."  What a pity!

Ogboru considered his involvement in the Orkar Coup as a milestone achievement and a gallant feat which was why he nicknamed  himself "The Peoples General" as soon as he returned from exile.

It is therefore safe to assert that Ogboru is a man of WAR and a very delicate and unpredictable specie for that matter. His violent nature is reflected in the Orkar Coup saga, several killings and attacks ongoing in Abraka and its environ in Ethiope East which may spread to the entire state if not checked by security operatives before 16th February and March 2, elections.

It was alleged that his Fish business came to be through a fraudulent love affair with a lady who founded the fish company in Lagos. The love grow to a point where Great Ogboru relegated his Madam to the background and took over the fish business with a new name; Fiogret Ltd. He was an employee of the lady but later converted her to be his spouse through African Voodoo.

God will always be God, no matter how crafty a thief may be. The fish business which was built on a sandy ground fell like a huge log before the Axe. Ogboru became a chronic debtor, owed several banks unserviced loans running into billions of Naira till date.

Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON), got involved and tried to manage Ogboru's bad debts and in the process told the Court that the 2019 controversial APC Candidate in Delta State, is a Chronic Debtor and a bad manager of financial resources.

Ogboru was granted pardon while on exile based on Orkar coup; and was received by Urhobo Nation led by Chief James Onanefe Ibori, who did the needful to rehabilitate him politically but alas the returnee coup plotter sold out and was planning to overthrow Ibori.

His plans to become Urhobo Nation political leader overnight without learning the basic skills of partisan politics leaked and the rest is now history. Ogboru has been battling to become governor to no avail.

Ogboru is still very far from becoming the Governor of Delta State; no magic, no intimidation and no harassment can make it happen in 2019 and 2023. The signs are everywhere! Adams Oshiomole's hands are tied in this matter. Deltans shall vote Okowa Again.

It is also on record that when Ogboru declared his intentions to become Governor of Delta State as soon as he returned from exile, the Abraka Kingdom Council of Chiefs requested him to inform the then King but Ogboru told them point blank that his position as the Orkar Coup Peoples General is likened to that of a Military Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria; therefore the King of Abraka Kingdom should be the one to pay him homage. He is yet to visit the palace till date.

It is also true that Great Ogboru, is yet to build his personal house in Abraka, as can be seen from his occupation of a family compound, a house built by his late father.
Watch out for part two of why Ogboru, the Coup Plotter Versus OKOWA the Promise Keeper. Its an eye opener.

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