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.......The Man Who the Leadership Cap Fits, Let Him Keep it For Now Till 2024

By Kerry Jackson

In life there is one thing that remains constant and this is "change" people talk about change without understand what it fully entails or preparing for the change they crave for. Some she the change and refuse to accept the change because of selfish political desires.

Chief Esiso has brought positive change to the political scene of delta state. He is a seasoned and dynamic  politician, who understands the rudiments and political mechanism of delta state politics.

He is fearless, humble, peace loving, accessible, hospitable and courageous. He will always fight for the success of the party in every  electoral positions. He believes it is better fighting to death or success which is always the case than fleeing in defeat.

He is a man with genuine vision for delta state PDP.A man without genuine vision is a man with his foot on the brake against his success.

Genuine vision must be based on hindsight, insight and foresight. Hindsight is to know were you are coming from, insight to know were you are and foresight to know were you are heading. 

Chief Esiso is a man with hindsight, insight and foresight on issue regarding PDP in the state and national level. He has managed the resources of the party prudently keeping the party afloat since his stewardship.

He has been a bridge builder and a perfect mobilizer of human resources to achieve the party's goals politically. Over time and which is evidence on the last general elections, he was on ground both strategically and on the field to mobilize the small and mighty in the party to ensure PDP comes out successful in Delta State on every side.

Character defines a man and  show the height a man can achieve in life. Chief Esiso is a man of good character. His character speaks for him from the grassroot level to the national level of the party.

It is an irony in life that people who have been helped and lifted to a particular level in life on some occasions turns out to become the same people holding the matches and buying the bullets for guns that is aimed at killing you.

The simple act of biting the finger that feeds you.Chief esiso is currently facing this exact scenario in his political career. He is been betrayed by those he have trusted and placed in strategic positions over the years.

Those he perceived to be his friends are the same people pulling off the ladder under his feet for him to fall down. They are doing this under the disguise of party leadership been zoned to Sapele LGA and on the ground that Esiso is not from Sapele LGA.

How can this stand? Chief Esiso is a bonafied  member of the PDP family from the unit level, ward level, LGA level to  national level. He has achieved all his political achievements under Sapele and have also given back to Sapele all political benefit entitle to him as the state  chairman of the party. He has never said he is not from Sapele and took such benefits out of Sapele. His registration point is fully in Sapele as a member.

It is a known fact that if an individual stays in a community or place for over 10yrs constantly, he can vote and be voted for as a citizen of that place. Chief Esiso have been living in Sapele for over 10 year and this make him eligible for any political position in Sapele LGA.

There are various instance were people occupy elective offices away from their state of origin but in their state of residence even in Europe and Nigerian. Example are.

1. Desmond Eliot is from akwa ibom but he is a house of assembly member in Lagos state.

2. Laid Mohammed son is from kwara but he is a house of assembly member in Lagos state

3. Mr. Faleke is from kogi state but he is a house of representative member in Lagos state.

4. Ogbeni Rauf Aregbeshola is from Osun state but became a commissioner in Lagos state.

5. The current deputy governor of bayelsa state is an urhobo man but he is a deputy governor in and ijaw land...
These are just a few in the list of so many other case of individuals occupying elective positions in their area of residence not minding their area or place of origin.

In a summary, chief esiso is a rare gem and a role model that is readily available,  fully equipped, tested and trusted to continue Manning the leadership position of PDP in the state. He is a an easy, going, accommodative and tolerant man than is ready to carry every on along in the party no mater the differences in Ideology at any time. Let's not join the band wagon of nepotism or my village person must rule syndrome but follow the moving train that will lead Sepele and Delta state to a greater height in the nearest future... He who the cap fits let him keep it for now. The party leadership cap fits esiso, So let him keep it for now.

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